I’ve been thinking to add video reviews to my website in special/certain occasions. What better deck to try this first with than The Tarot of Eons. This tarot deck is the first major artistic project of Vadim Temkin, a programmer, digital artist and lover of tarot.
Since the images of Tarot of Eons are created in 3D, Temkin is looking into several ways of presenting those stereo images via Google Cardboard app and/or 3D video. Catching on?
So, in honor of a – let’s call it – video-deck, I am going to do a tarot video review. Tadaaa!
Before you can enjoy a The Queen’s Sword first, I’ll give you a few pointers on this yet to be released deck so you’ll know if you can waste some precious “I should actually be working”-moments, or part of your free time on my Dutch accent.
What to definitely expect from the Tarot of Eons:
- The theme spans eons & continents: Africa, the Greco-Roman civilization, medieval times and the Imperial Orient for the Minor Arcana. The Major Arcana evolves around multiple spiritual traditions.
- Loads of POC.
- Expect an awesome storage box (see video)
- Systemically the Tarot of Eons follows the WCS
- This might be a suitable deck for relative beginners (with a basis in tarot)
- Nudity…male nudity (NSFW actually)
- Digital art
- Digital LWB
If you want to find out more about the Tarot of Eons, then by all means click my review video!
If you’re interested in Vadim Temkin’s Tarot of Eons after watching the video review, it’s best to keep up-to-date via his website. There he will announce the Kickstarter campaign and his progress on both app and LWB. When the deck is available is not yet known, but somewhere in 2017 is my guess. Here are a few more useful links.
Tarot of Eons digital companion (an app will be available as well)
Here is the complete flip-through video with card and 3D images for the deck. (Click full-screen for 1080p resolution).