The Moon Oracle (2018) | Review
Astrology , Decks , Oracle , Review / 8 April 2018

Oracles lack a systematic approach or have too little possibilities as a divination tool. Were you nodding fervently? Then you need to keep reading, because this review could forever change your mind. I’ve had the pleasure to already review a few oracle titles that go beyond the ‘limitations’ many cartomancers think are part of this deck type, but with the updated The Moon Oracle just released by Eddison Books I’ve definitely found an oracle that’s as systematic as a

Fortune Teller’s Handbook | Review
Books , Psychic development , Review , Tarot / 2 December 2017

Google Sasha Fenton and you will get enough book results to make you as happy as Charlie in the Chocolate Factory. Red Wheel/Weiser already republished one of her successful titles on Fortunetelling by Tarot Cards and depending on your location December or January 2018 another one will be available for the masses again. If you are all about foreseeing the future Sasha Fenton’s latest reprint, Fortune Teller’s Handbook | 20 Fun and Easy Techniques for Predicting the Future, might be right up your alley. Based on just reading the blurb my prediction is: fun reading for the beginning diviner and a way to decide which rabbit hole you want to fall down in. Fenton’s Fortune Teller’s Handbook is a 186 pages counting paperback. Orange tinted back and cover with a classic Zohar gazing into a crystal ball. The subtitle basically gives away the angle of the book and the fact it won’t be an independant study of a particular way of divining. The Handbook shows “20 fun and easy techniques” and the intro adds these twenty chapters are “merely the tip of the iceberg. In all cases there are excellent in-depth books available on divination method in question (..)”. So, you…

The Queen's Sword review Sola Busca
Sola Busca Ferrara XV (LS) | Review

In this TdM month, named Traditional Tarot with a Twist, I’ll review several TdM’s & Tarocchi’s, traditional reproductions or reinterpretations that can be recognized as both tarot and Marseille/Ancient Italian-like. However, their deviations and differences, might invite discussion on their pattern of ‘true’ TdM/Tarocchi-ness. Regardless, they are all unique and gorgeous in their own way. 1. Sola-Busca Ferrara by Lo Scarabeo | Anima Antiqua Series 2017 2. Eros: The Garden of Love Tarot: burlesque TdM by Uusi Studios 2017 3. Minchiate Florentine Etruria 1795 by Il Meneghello 1994 (+ Minchiate El Leone) 4. Le Tarot Noir: a medieval inspired TdM by Matthew Hackiere/Editions Vega 2013 *** [Editor’s note: Even though there is already a Sola Busca review- on the Mayer 1998 – on the site, this one also includes its historical significance and all the differences with other older and new tarot decks] The Sola-Busca is ‘hot’ at the moment. For whatever reason this very special 15th century deck is gaining repro-brothers*. This review is about the most recent addition to the Sola Busca stacks: Lo Scarabeo’s latest reproduction of the deck*. Enter Sola Busca Ferrara XV from their Anima Antiqua line. Look & Feel The Unboxing of Lo Scarabeo’s…

Tarot of Bones | Review
Decks , Review , Tarot / 6 July 2017

It is always great to be able to review a deck that shows the amount of work the designer has put into it and that also promises to be different than others…but still a tarot.
The Tarot of Bones is a combination of tarot structure and bone divination. According to its designer “a different kind of beast”.  Curious, I ‘cast the lot’, and here’s my conclusion.

Announcing Artist’s Advice | 1. MM Meleen
Artist's Advice , Tarot , Thoth / 18 May 2017

SOON ON THE QUEENS SWORD: ARTIST’S ADVICE The Queen’s Sword has a new feature! And I am very happy to say MM Meleen is the one going to kick off this new column. In Artist’s Advice (If you have a much cooler name, I am aaaaalll for it :D) deck designers and tarot/divination authors share unique material: reading tips, tarot background material…you name it! They give The Queen’s Sword readers original tips while showcasing their newest release; deck or book. For you this means a sneak peek & great content in one: tools to make you a better diviner. Little extra: while this won’t be an ‘always’, The Queen’s Sword might (later) add a mini-review of said book or deck if I happen to have a (review) copy. Those will be published – pro’s and con’s  – on the The Queen’s Sword Facebook page. So…this new feature. Details? When: June 6th 2017. Who: MM Meleen. What: Let’s face it…telling you will spoil the surprise! Join me on June 6th, the first Tarot Tuesday of the month for this amazing Tarot Tuesday Tip and discover her wisdom for yourself. I am pretty sure the genius MM Meleen won’t disappoint. Which: In the first…