I also showed various aspects of each astrological sign that could be added to interpretations in a reading. This Artist’s Advice Part II is an extension of specifically that last part and shows you how to use a Zodiac Oracle in an actual Zodiac Houses spread, especially made for readers of The Queen’s Sword. If you don’t know much about astrology, have no fear…this article is here to give you enough pointers to use the Oracle alone or together with the Anino Lenormand or The Gravenchase Lenormand.
The Gravenchase Zodiac Oracle/Anino Zodiac Oracle |Lynyrd-Jym Narciso
PART: 1 (Yes part 1! Fall/Winter will give you P2)
“I am going to talk about the 12-card Zodiac oracle decks that come free with The Gravenchase Lenormand and Anino Lenormand and its various uses. Firstly, The Gravenchase Zodiac Oracle and Anino Zodiac Oracle are 12-
I’ve been thinking to add to video reviews to my website for a while in special/certain occasions. What better deck to try this with than The Tarot of Eons. This tarot deck is the first major artistic project of Vadim Temkin, a programmer, digital artist and lover of tarot.
Since the images of Tarot of Eons are created in 3D, Temkin is looking in…