Seeing a new Meleen deck come to life is always a happy time for this reviewer, but a reprint of an older deck can be just as much fun. Especially when said designer promises to give it a new twist and fix the few things that might have kept buyers away. So, here’s my review of the Rosetta Tarot. Or better said: Rosetta Tarot Papyrus Edition
Place’s new book is a companion for the Sevenfold, the TdM and Hermeticism I own many of Robert Place’s decks (granted, I love most, but am not equally enthusiastic about all of them). Strangely enough that has not translated itself into even one review, but I am sure I’ll rectify that at one point. Besides his decks I’ve come to enjoy many of his writings and books. Combine those two and you have the reason for this little news-item. Because….Finally, it is here! Well, almost then. Place’s newest book is coming soon and it is one many of us Place-deck-collectors have been waiting for. Not only is he an artist with a very recognizable simple but elegant art-style, but he is also an extremely knowledgable art-historian and tarot historian. His book Tarot and History is a classic (on the pile of my standard tarot reference books) and the companion for the Alchemical Tarot (AT), Alchemy and the Tarot, is unequivocally one of the best deck companions ever written. But…if you are very much into his AT (ed4 or not), chances are you have the Tarot of the Sevenfold Mystery too. And as gorgeous as it is… most of us have…
Let me start by saying that I am sure reviewing a deck like Tabula Mundi nox et lux should actually happen over time. The deck is so multi-layered it is a shame I can’t tell you all I will discover. However, knowing that designer MM Meleen is working hard on Colores Arcus, the colored version of the Tabula Mundi, and hopes to launch her second Kickstarter either on the Vernal Equinox or at least around May makes for excellent review-timing. Tabula Mundi is a “Thoth-based” tarot deck. It follows Thelemic philosophy and the structure…
It rarely happens I treat a deck with reverence. Sure, my tarot and oracle collection is worth a lot to me and I take good care of any deck. But with the Sola-Busca I had the urge to use those white cotton gloves curators of certain museums use before touching a rare, ancient, valuable object. I guess that was the first ‘warning’ this deck is not your average tarot package, but something pretty special. If you’re not an avid reader, you
The magnificent Sola-Busca Tarot by Wolfgang Mayer (1998) is now on special offer. Until January you’ll get both deck and the rare book by Sofia Di Vincenzo for the same price as usually the deck alone will cost you.
The book, titled Ancient enlightened Tarot. Alchemy in Sola-Busca Tarot