Eros: Garden of Love TdM | Review

Their 2016 Pagan Otherworlds Tarot and Invited Artist line are good examples and the in 2018 to be released Supra Oracle promises the same. So when I found out that artist duo Linnea & Peter released a Modern Tarot de Marseille during my Traditional Tarot month I was super excited. Let’s see if their slightly spicy TdM called Eros: Garden of Love Tarot is quality too.

Uusi has a name to uphold when it comes to their card

Creating a Modern Marseille | Behind the scenes

Looking over the shoulder of a tarot deck designer while he is creating is impossible. It was…until now. In an unparalleled account Michael Bridge-Dickinson, creator of The Orbifold Tarot and currently working on Arcanum X, is showing us step-by-step his thought process and literal creation. Inspiring for deck designers-to-be and a huge taste of what’s to come for tarot readers and collectors!

Le Tarot Noir box and deck
Le Tarot Noir | Review

there is more to the traditional tarot ‘branch’. It has more to offer and to love. Including the very new, the very old and some decks that simply deserve the name classic despite its age. This review revolves around the latter. Some brand it a TdM, others say not (the designer is part of the first group by the way). It is a little quirky, but according to yours truly also beautiful in its own way. I am talking about Le Tarot Noir. If you, like me, have been roaming the pages of th…

Companion+ for Tarot of the Sevenfold Mystery

Place’s new book is a companion for the Sevenfold, the TdM and Hermeticism I own many of Robert Place’s decks (granted, I love most, but am not equally enthusiastic about all of them). Strangely enough that has not translated itself into even one review, but I am sure I’ll rectify that at one point.
 Besides his decks I’ve come to enjoy many of his writings and books. Combine those two and you have the reason for this little news-item. Because….Finally, it is here! Well, almost then. Place’s newest book is coming soon and it is one many of us Place-deck-collectors have been waiting for. Not only is he an artist with a very recognizable simple but elegant art-style, but he is also an extremely knowledgable art-historian and tarot historian. His book Tarot and History is a classic (on the pile of my standard tarot reference books) and the companion for the Alchemical Tarot (AT), Alchemy and the Tarot, is unequivocally one of the best deck companions ever written. But…if you are very much into his AT (ed4 or not), chances are you have the Tarot of the Sevenfold Mystery too. And as gorgeous as it is… most of us have…

The TdM in 2017 | Modern Marseille & more
Sneak peek , Tarot , Tarot de Marseille , Theme: TdM / 30 September 2016

What to expect in the land of Tarot de Marseille Modern Marseille decks and reproductions for 2016/2017 + one big reveal at the bottom!   Tarot Decoratif (2016/2017) Some time ago I mentioned Ciro Marchetti’s newest tarot project on my Facebook page. Back then the name wasn’t certain yet, only that this deck project started after a lecture from Russel Sturgess on TarotCon about the Tarot de Marseille. After some discussions in TdM-groups the deck soon became known as ‘inspired by’ or a ‘hommage to’ Tdm. The name: Tarot Decoratif. The deck is printed and can be ordered from his website. While not even the designer himself calls it a TdM, the symbolism and pattern (though not the *style*) is definitely there in the Majors – as well as the research into the traditional deck. In my book that makes this one a modern take on the Tarot de Marseille. Tarot Decoratif is absolutely recognisable as a ‘Ciro’ and it’ll probably attract many ‘hesitators’ who are interested in TdM but don’t like the style of the original woodcut decks. The only ‘negative’ I can (so far) see with it is the fact the pips have Waite-Smith elements. I would have…