If you’re about to travel the road to traditional tarot like Marseille…or Ancient Italy (or have done so years ago) and don’t have the $/€ to spend on books, Tarot Heritage is certainly the way to go. Hell, even if you *are* spending wads of cash, this is a must-see site. Tarot Heritage is the brain-child of Sherryl E. Smith and completely dedicated to Tarot decks between the 15th and early 19th century. In other words: Tarot de Marseille & Ancient Italian decks galore! There’s a history menu, an amazing Cartomancy…
If you want to have gorgeous reproductions of ancient decks there are only a few ‘addresses’ in the world. One of them is the ‘webshop’ of Rinascimento and art-historian Giordano Berti. And with the Tarocchi Perrin, recently released, they offered the tarot world yet another faithful remake. The Perrin Tarot only has 600 copies. Should you stand in line for one? I’ll tell you. As always, a Berti reproduction comes in a beautiful book-box, designed by artist Letizia Rivetti. The tobacco-colored paper, gold speckles and caramel ribbon make this box look very luxurious and a show-stopper in any tarot cupboard. The front has a World card sticker with Tarocchi Perrin written on top of it. Once opened you see the inner red velvet lining holding booklet and deck with its cream-colored band. Sturdy & smooth The Perrin Tarot is a deck on the smaller side (11,5×6,8cm). The cards have a back with black & white little diamonds and, if that is your thing, can be used in reverse. It’s printed on sturdy paper with a very smooth linen finish. If you ask me the card-stock is every reader’s dream: thick enough, still flexible, smooth, not sticky or slippery and with…
Think of Italy and most people connect that with delicious rich foods, beautiful architecture and marvelous history. I think some of that rubbed off on tarot decks if you consider what was made there since the Renaissance. A good example is the Tarocco Soprafino by F…
Patrick Valenza, creator of the immensely popular Deviant Moon Tarot, has ‘released’ his very specific style on another project: a Majors Only tarot, inspired by the old Italian decks and with a wink towards Tarot de Marseille. Trionfi della Luna Tarot comes in different variaties and I was lucky enough to obtain one…