Support me

19 September 2017

Sponsor The Queen’s Sword

Sometimes people think I make a lot of money with The Queen’s Sword. Oh…how I wish. This website is a body of love and every penny saved goes to it. While being able to pay my bills doing this website would be ideal (although far from realistic), I would currently settle for covering my expenses.  So, there we have it, the The Queen’s Sword Donations page. So, where do all my saved pennies go to?

It is simple. In order to create an online cartomancy magazine interesting for all level readers and for all type of card lovers I need to go way beyond what I like myself, study, research, write and write and have a technically sound website to accommodate all reviews and features.

It boils down to this list:

  • Out-of-the-box purchases: decks + books
  • Titles that are expected to be(come) popular and I can’t get a copy of.
  • Unique products/paraphernalia purchases
  • Expenses for hosting & domain
  • Costs for necessary changes to design and trouble shooting on tech issues
  • Courses on cartomancy so I can review more than just 1 type of pattern and card system
  • Hundreds of hours of writing, researching, deck testing, studying, interviewing and coaching.

I am not complaining by the way. I am merely EXplaining… The Queen’s Sword | tarot & divination reviews with a sharp pen is my baby and I think it is needed. I set it up to inform, to help and to entertain. I started it so people would have a website that really gives them all the relevant information to base a purchase on (and to have something to drool over): a regular array of new releases that aren’t necessarily what I like, but could be what you love. Written with respect towards the creators but always dead honest.  I’ll happily continue with that goal in mind as long as I possibly can.

However, as you can see from that little list, I could use all the help I can get ;-). If you appreciate what I do and would love for me to continue I would be immensely grateful if you can become a sponsor of The Queen’s Sword. Supporting my work can be done in 4 ways: Donation, Patronage, Marketing and using Affiliate links

Donate to The Queen's SwordDonation
You can donate whatever you can miss. When you have just won the lottery, got something to spare, want to give monthly or for a big birthday. Whatever is possible, I’ll be grateful for it. By clicking on the donation button below you will be led to the safe pages of PayPal. Nothing is too little, every cent counts!


Become a Patron of the Tarot Arts!  If you think a specific deck or book needs attention and you would like for The Queen’s Sword to do this particular tarot deck, tarot book or oracle deck review, you could sponsor my review by paying for the product+shipping. Contact me and we will discuss target group and my planning. Every patronage will be mentioned. I can’t give you a hospital wing with your name on it, but the The Queen’s Sword equivalent is a thank you under the article (see review on the Minchiate Florentine Entruria) with a link to your tarot (et al) business for example.
Example of patronage mention:

This review has been made possible by Eureka Readings


Sponsoring does not have to mean $$. Spreading the word can be just as useful. Tell your network about and its other pages! You can do this personally, but using social media channels works even better. Regularly (re)tweet my articles, share links to my reviews on your own Facebook pages, LIKE my Facebook posts (due to Facebook algorithms inactive followers can get cut or articles are simply no longer shown in timelines. Especially small businesses or bloggers like me are being crushed underneath those terms since we can’t (or won’t) advertise or buy reach & likes.
Liking posts is therefore more important than you think! You can also add me to a list of recommended websites, mention my review(s) and articles on your own blog or refer to it on your YouTube channel when using a deck I’ve written about. Word of mouth grows my readership, it could lead to more review copy-opportunities or artists sharing unique tips with you, and it shows me my work is truly appreciated. Follow me on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest.


Sponsor The Queen's SwordUse the affiliate link
So, you read the sneak preview, interview or review on my website and now you’re on your way to buy that book or deck? Wait a sec! Did you also see I provided a link underneath the article where to buy it? In some cases those links are affiliate links. If you use that particular link and then buy a product via the link I will get a minor commission. Don’t worry: this will not influence the price you pay in any way. The vendor will simply donate a small % of the sale to me and once I reach a certain amount I’ll actually get paid. It probably won’t be much, but it will cost you *nothing* and it might help me cover (part of) the hosting costs one day.
Little affiliate effort: If you don’t mind taking an extra step and really help me out, you can take the Affiliate Effort Road (I baptised it so): Say one day you’re in deck buying mood. Don’t type in the link to Amazon or Bookdepository directly. No, either use one of the links I provided underneath an article or click one of the links below to the home pages of these sites and then start shopping (Amazon/BD check if traffic really came from here, so that’s why you need to *start here*). As long as you shop via a TQS-link, it means that while you get to wait for a wonderful new addition to your collection, you also just made sure that with your tarot or oracle purchase, the vendor had to ‘donate’ a few cents to The Queen’s Sword in the process. I say win-win!
F.e. Whenever you shop for great tarot and oracle stuff use these general affiliate links to:
Amazon US
Amazon UK
Amazon DE
Amazon IT
Amazon FR
Amazon CAN

Book & deck specific links are often under an article or in wrap ups.

Whatever you do & decide, I am grateful!
Thank you so much!

– The Queen’s Sword
Working since 2016 to inform readers of all levels and persuasions and give divination a good name.







