Whilst my present Starlight Dragon book (TSQ: The companion Travelling with Starlight Dragons is just released) is focused on the elementary associations of tarot (Golden Dawn tradition) plus the grand mythic tales of great dragons, I am preparing another on a more advanced level with work on tarot correspondences to astrology, kabbalah and alchemy, which have been only touched upon in the first book.
As a very special and exclusive pre-taste
After the success of Tarot: Unlocking the Arcana I sat down to decide what my next project was going to be. It came to me, a tarot journal! If I could go back in time to the beginning of my tarot journey to do something different, I would journal more. I did attempt journaling, but that failed. Blank notebooks were uninspiring. They left me wanting. Printing out online PDF’s and
In the last few months you could not be a part of any Facebook group without seeing pictures of a coffin shaped new tarot release. That coffin box was the exterior of the limited edition of the Santa Muerte Tarot, a recent release by tarot publisher Lo Scarabeo. The limited edition was already sold out during
Every deck that goes a little deeper than merely being a clone of TdM, Thoth or WCS deserves a decent companion. But unfortunately there aren’t many good ones out there. Book of Seshet is one of the exceptions. This guidebook, written for The Rosetta Tarot by MM Meleen, also happens to offer slightly more if you’re into Golden Dawn and Thoth.
Place’s new book is a companion for the Sevenfold, the TdM and Hermeticism I own many of Robert Place’s decks (granted, I love most, but am not equally enthusiastic about all of them). Strangely enough that has not translated itself into even one review, but I am sure I’ll rectify that at one point. Besides his decks I’ve come to enjoy many of his writings and books. Combine those two and you have the reason for this little news-item. Because….Finally, it is here! Well, almost then. Place’s newest book is coming soon and it is one many of us Place-deck-collectors have been waiting for. Not only is he an artist with a very recognizable simple but elegant art-style, but he is also an extremely knowledgable art-historian and tarot historian. His book Tarot and History is a classic (on the pile of my standard tarot reference books) and the companion for the Alchemical Tarot (AT), Alchemy and the Tarot, is unequivocally one of the best deck companions ever written. But…if you are very much into his AT (ed4 or not), chances are you have the Tarot of the Sevenfold Mystery too. And as gorgeous as it is… most of us have…