Great new historical tarot repro’s in Anima Antiqua | Interview

Traditional Tarot is ‘on the rise’*. Decks made in between the 15th and 19th century are being reproduced more and more by publishers and independent studios. If you have a thing for Ancient Italians and other old decks, you’re in for a real treat. Lo Scarabeo is soon to launch a new line of Tarocchi repro’s, upholding tradition. An interview about Anima Antiqua and ‘how it’s made’… –Andrea Chiarvesio -The Queen’s Sword   What does Anima Antiqua mean and how come you chose this title for the series? Anima Antiqua is latin for Ancient Soul and we feel the title embodies the mission behind this new line perfectly: bringing back decks from the past. Some of them well known, but some others almost unknown to parts of the tarot community. Does Lo Scarabeo (LS) feel responsible for keeping these traditional, Italian decks alive as the only mass market publisher with roots in the same country? We at LS have a great love, passion and respect for tarot. This includes, on the one hand, bringing innovation to tarot so that its very long life is vital and projected in the future, and on the other hand preserving the past wisdom. That…