Oracle of Echoes | Review
Decks , Oracle , Review / 19 February 2017

There seems to be no end in awesome decks lately, finding my desk. But even amongst awesomeness there is always Top Dog and it looks like that one just barked ;). The latest oracle deck by Ana Tourian, deck designer of the Claire de Lune Lenormand and Hidden Waters Tarot, is most likely one of the most beautiful oracle decks I have ever seen. The name is Oracle of Echoes, and I…

The Llewellyn Tarot | Review
Decks , Review , Tarot / 28 October 2015

There are decks, that once you open that box and hold the cards in your hand something special happens. It doesn’t occur often, even if you have a huge collection, but when it does a deck like that becomes the go-to-wonder or the answer to ‘what would you take with you if you got stranded on a deserted island’. The Llewellyn deck by Anna-Marie Ferguson is such a deck for me and if you’re a fan of RWS-inspired tarot cards you should definitely check…