Adult coloring books are all the rage. Some of my friends have one, my parents got one on an outing with brothers and sisters, and I have been known to color a mandala or two. But now I have a real adult coloring book. And this book, called The Soul Discovery Coloring Book is a little different from just an average adult coloring book.
Why have those coloring books become so popular? It is not all of a sudden…
Lately pretty much everyone around me is going through small or big painful transitions. People are stuck or just unhappy without realizing exactly why, or they have to deal with serious health issues, job loss, divorce or even death of a partner. “Life sucks” is an expression I hear a lot these days. The 3 C’s, Chaos, Crisis, Confusion: Your invitation to a new life by Alana Fairchild seems to want to tackle exactly that issue. I go through life trying to make the best out of very little. But I am quite allergic to writers who…
Calling your meditation workshop a Playshop probably already gives away what kind of writer you are. Indeed, the man’s ‘don’t take yourself so seriously’-attitude breathes from the pages. I am talking about Krishna Prem, born Michael Mogul, and his book Gee You Are You (G.U.R.U). Prem is one of Osho’s (Bhagwan) students and his book revolves around the theme: finding out who you really are.
Gee You are You starts with Krishna’s own journey of…