The Soul Discovery Coloring Book |Review

1 April 2016

Soul Discovery Coloring Book wingsAdult coloring books are all the rage. Some of my friends have one, my parents got one on an outing with brothers and sisters, and I have been known to color a mandala or two. But now I have a real adult coloring book. And this book, called The Soul Discovery Coloring Book, is a little different from just an average adult coloring book.

Why have those coloring books become so popular? It is not all of a sudden that thousands of adults realized they have artistic tendencies. It is mostly coloring in between the lines. Like a child. And there is the crux. Like a child, when life was still without stress (for most of us at least) and our biggest worry was if we would eat brussel sprouts again, because yuck.

Personal stories
Adult coloring books are meant for exactly that: reduce stress. If you use them you won’t be overthinking for a moment because your brain is busy yellowing that pretty sun on your paper. So, isn’t that what The Soul Discovery Coloring Book is for then, you might ask? Sure, it is also exactly for that reason, but why I said this book is a little different is because it gives you something extra (besides the fact mine was delivered with pencils).

The Soul Discovery Coloring Book

An example of a page in The Soul Discovery Coloring Book. Here it is explaining what you can do with the book and how this might look like.

Most coloring books give you a range of drawings, starting usually with something simple and gradually progressing to all kinds of quirky details within the drawings. In some cases each drawing has a meaning or affirmation – that happens with mandala coloring. But generally that’s about it. In The Soul Discovery Coloring Book you have drawings, approachable ones, instead of those with teeny tiny lines, but also prompts, actual exercises to draw something yourself and personal stories from the authors to get you on your way.

Soul nourishment
The Soul Discovery Coloring Book is basically part two of Janet Connor’s Soul Writing book where she urged people to write and scribble to discover what their soul wants, who they are as people. This book does exactly the same, but with a focus on coloring and drawing. So, you doodle, you scribble, color and noodle until you’re back in contact with your inner child. And what a relief we can actually behave like a 6-year-old when finding our soul connection right? Bye, bye to all those stuffy books, here come the pencils! And you can even color outside of the lines! For example if you’re an out of the box personality…sorry I am boring, I apparently have the tendency to make everything super symmetric and like my colors to go together. (Personally I am still waiting for the psychologist/author who tells me I need to jump on trampolines or go off slides to find myself.)

The Soul Discovery Coloring Book not only makes you relax, but it makes you think. What nourishes you, who are you, who are the important people in your life? This is your chance to literally draw them out, in a fun way. You won’t do that by coloring an animal, fairy character or mandala on every page, but you’ll get there through a variety of exercises that involve coloring, doodling what comes to mind, portraying your thoughts or scribbling down your goals and reasons for celebration.

The Soul Discovery Coloring Book

The Soul Discovery Coloring Book’s Creative Prompt: allowing what rises to the surface to be drawn and see what the message is.

Inner kid
It is basically a diary, coloring book and meditative exercises publication in one. A really cool and creative way to get in touch with your true inner wishes. To make contact with that child we still embody, but lose all too fast when we’re confronted with life as an adult. Every now and then Janet Connor has a question and a story and it let’s you play with that story, noodle a bit on it, if you will. And while you reflect, *your* story will surface, together with that little kid hiding somewhere in your head  – probably.  Then there are the few Soul Writing options, but the ones I still liked the most are the actual Discovering pages where there’s a drawing or creative prompt. So basically either coloring or drawing myself and let my hands be guided by whatever inspiration I had.

It doesn’t have to be perfect at all – I am the type that can ruin stick-figures so thanking Ms Connor for that! The only big deal is, that you’re allowing yourself to let go for a moment. No complicated exercises or preparations are necessary. You draw a deep breath and go for it with purple, yellow and every color and pen you can find. The art of drawing or coloring will make certain thoughts rise to the forefront of your mind. If you draw the (a specific assignment) the gates to your soul or your personal garden then you’re surely thinking about yourself, your life and character in a completely different way. And that’s what makes it so interesting.

One of the drawings I started to color in, in The Soul Discovery Coloring Book

One of the bigger and more detailed drawings I started to color in, in The Soul Discovery Coloring Book. Not done by a long shot of course, but I am not in any hurry. That’s not the intention of the book.

Conclusion: meditation 2.0
I for one have noticed that while I am making an owls feathers pretty in pink that creative ideas almost boil over at times, but that I could also finally find the answer to a question I had been pondering for a while. That’s the great thing about The Soul Discovery Coloring Book: it is meditation at its finest, without actually having to meditate. Or lie on a therapist’s couch for that matter.

I am pretty sure that when you’re done – or even halfway – with The Soul Discovery Coloring Book doodling and scribbling has become an important part of your life. I loved doing it during classes or phone conversations as a teenager and I rediscovered it. I think this adult coloring book makes for an original gift for someone who’s creative and might have some soul searching to do. Like it for yourself? Great, from now on you’ll get some help when it comes to listening to what is truly in your heart. And if you don’t believe it: you have it on paper and in color now.

I found a few freebies on the website of The Soul Discovery Coloring Book: here are your gratis coloring pictures downloadable for personal use (PDF).

Author or artist Publisher Publication
Janet Connor Red Wheel/Weiser March 2016

Wrap Up

The Soul Discovery Coloring Book