If you follow me on Eureka Readings (less active than this one, but linked to my practice) or are a friend you know I fell in love with Kipper about 2 years ago and have been certified in the traditional way of reading this 36-card system.
But….good decks are seriously lacking. Especially ones that take into account which techniques are used in the Bavarian way of reading (where it originated). Not anymore! Toni Puhle just released her Kipper guide WITH accompanying deck to the world…for pre-order that is. The Card Geek’s Kipper deck and The Card Geek’s Guide to Kipper, both to be released on December 1st (so soon!). I was so excited, I used whatever info I could get from the newsletter, so forgive me for less quality pics and such. Later I will be able to add the good stuff… Here you can see the first high quality pictures of cover and a few important cards from the deck.
The Kipper goodies
The book is a 200 page counting Kipper How To Guide. It starts with card meanings and moves on to how to get the most out of a Kipper read. Beginners and advanced readers can use it for reference, especially since Puhle has also included her personal Kipper-cabulary when it comes to all life’s situations. Kipper might just be the most bizarrely accurate system I have ever known and tends to reveal secrets long hidden, including details you might have forgotten yourself. Other than that it is superb for timing (‘When’ something is going to happen. A thing that is rather difficult with tarot).
Kipper brutality
Yes, every good reader will make their system of choice accurate, but Kipper – being read with the old techniques – has a way of being so ‘invasive’ it might not be for everyone. It is the Crowley Thoth Plus under the 36-card systems. In the courses that I did we were always warned to be careful which practice questions we would give our classmates, since it might reveal things about ourselves, our thoughts and our motives, we didn’t want to be found out.
According to its author, this book will pump up that wow-factor of a Kipper read even more. Knowing Toni Puhle the book will be super practical, all-encompassing and fun. Something she already supports by saying the book will be “A no- messing view at practical card reading and how using a system trumps a free range reader any day of the week!”

The personalized Kipper deck, here showing Toni as Main Character 2 (Female Main Person), is a great option. Designer will create your character based on a picture you provide.
And then there is the deck…an accompanying deck! Heart, be still… The deck comprises the 36 Traditional Kipper Decks complete with directions as per the first 19th Century Kipper Deck. Now, *that* is something I have been cruising the web for. If you are quick in the pre-order you can let designer Sabine Lumpe make a personalized variety, based on your pictures, where she creates Main Character 1 (and/or) 2 to your own likeliness and that of your partner. Being single I am contemplating the idea of letting card 2 being reverted to a good rendition (I’ve seen her work: it’ll be cool!) of the very few decent pictures I have of myself and 1 into some super hot guy in a suit….
But I’ll be honest: the ‘Personalised Deck’ is (logically) on the pricey side, coming at 99 euro, so I might just have to ‘settle’ and simply ‘just’ get that that hot dude only in real life.
The Kipper cards (title unknown!) have been modernised. It does feel a little ‘pastel’ and feminine to me, so male readers might not be super excited. However, it doesn’t look anything like Original Kipper, the deck that was so off-putting to many readers. And while it might not look like the style of Original Kipper, all the cards do have the original directions. Hallelujah, I can finally put all those courses to good use in the correct way!
Pre-ordering is possible through the World Lenormand Association:
-Deck (personalized or not)
Early Bird combo deal
-Spread cloth (later)