Le Tarot Noir box and deck
Le Tarot Noir | Review

there is more to the traditional tarot ‘branch’. It has more to offer and to love. Including the very new, the very old and some decks that simply deserve the name classic despite its age. This review revolves around the latter. Some brand it a TdM, others say not (the designer is part of the first group by the way). It is a little quirky, but according to yours truly also beautiful in its own way. I am talking about Le Tarot Noir. If you, like me, have been roaming the pages of th…

Perrin Tarot / Tarocchi Perrin | Review
Decks , Review , Tarot / 10 August 2016

If you want to have gorgeous reproductions of ancient decks there are only a few ‘addresses’ in the world. One of them is the ‘webshop’ of Rinascimento and art-historian Giordano Berti. And with the Tarocchi Perrin, recently released, they offered the tarot world yet another faithful remake. The Perrin Tarot only has 600 copies. Should you stand in line for one? I’ll tell you. As always, a Berti reproduction comes in a beautiful book-box, designed by artist Letizia Rivetti. The tobacco-colored paper, gold speckles and caramel ribbon make this box look very luxurious and a show-stopper in any tarot cupboard. The front has a World card sticker with Tarocchi Perrin written on top of it. Once opened you see the inner red velvet lining holding booklet and deck with its cream-colored band. Sturdy & smooth The Perrin Tarot is a deck on the smaller side (11,5×6,8cm). The cards have a back with black & white little diamonds and, if that is your thing, can be used in reverse. It’s printed on sturdy paper with a very smooth linen finish. If you ask me the card-stock is every reader’s dream: thick enough, still flexible, smooth, not sticky or slippery and with…

Sneak Peek: ‘psychological’ Nightscape Tarot
Interview , News , Sneak peek , Tarot / 31 May 2016

While researching on new(s) items for The Queen’s Sword I see a lot of decks, but I can never fully suppress that tinge of excitement when I discover work that I like and think others will too. The Nightscape Tarot is such a work. It is still in its early stages and made by a couple: designer Molly Greenlee and tarot reader and soon PhD Jungian Depth Psychology Dylan Hoffman. An interview with Greenlee about everything Nightscape and of course a sneak peek of the images.