Rider Anna K Lenormand
When I say Anna K Tarot most readers will at least have heard of this deck. It is a colorful tarot, quite faithful to the Waite-Smith system, but with her own artistic twist. It seems the Austrian artist is going in a similar direction with her newest project. Not a Tarot, but -surprise – a Lenormand. Just as colorful and true to her work.
On her site there are already a several examples to be seen and I really like the fact it is on the one hand very recognizable as a Lenormand, but on the other still something new in style. This one is vibrant, with a hint of (older) children’s book illustrations and a big dose of realism.
I mean, look at that horse in the Rider for example! It is like I can feel his hide. Some of the cards have the reality of a saturated photograph and that is a good thing for a divination tool (Mountain!) like Lenormand. IMHO, of course.
I have been looking for a Lenormand that I could connect with. I currently have only two. A no.1941 Piatnik – not clicking. And one that is actually not a true Lenormand. So, how to dive deeper into the world of Mme Lenormand? I think I have found the way. This Anna K Lenormand doesn’t stray too far from the original images (except maybe the Cross card. Very awesome card by the way). It actually found a way to include the playing cards in a miniature way and is still colorful, beautiful and simple enough to be such a deck.

Mountain Anna K Lenormand

Cross Anna K Lenormand
I have my eye on more sets. There are a currently a few gorgeous Lenormands ‘in progress’, but this could become a fan-favorite for sure. And perhaps one of those deemed strong enough for beginners.
Follow progress
If you want to stay up-to-date it is best to follow Anna K’s progress on her website where she uploads cards as soon as they are ready. A wide array of meanings are already available and once the deck is finished she will enter card combinations as well. Seems like the digital LWB is coming along too.
According to a post on DonnaLeigh de LaRose’s Facebookpage Anna is aiming for a printing date in October or November. So hopefully the first decks could be ordered well before Christmas. Of course making decks is a creative process, so it could be that you need to ask something else for Christmas. The designer will for sure self-publish again and is planning to use the same printer as for the Anna K Tarot (2nd ed).