Video & Apps

24 November 2015

Tarot video and Tarot appsIn the 21st century it has become completely normal that counselors, mythology specialists, astrologists or tarot readers have started to blog on video. Some of these vlogs & YouTube channels can teach you just as much as any book can (maybe more), since they’re very lecture or course orientated. Especially if you are the visual type or prefer other people doing the research and then listen to their lectures or tutorials, Video is the category for you.

If I find a vlog or YouTube channel that’s worth looking at I will post it. It must be a channel that has one focus & is instructive or informative. I’ll give only a mini-review and no grades, but just a ‘check it out’ message on my website. After all: pictures say more than a 1000 words, right? The same goes for apps, more and more designers are making new and exciting tarot apps; they are an excellent reference point, an easy way to take your favorite deck with you and a growing amount of people see it as a way to do a quick reading. Depending on the type of app, they might get a larger review and grades.

Check out all the mini-reviews and recommendations for vlogs, video’s and apps here.