Tarot Fundamentals | Review
Books , Review , Tarot / 5 January 2016

Precious few books were so eagerly anticipated as Tarot Fundamentals. Unless you count one of the installments of the Harry Potter series… But I am pretty sure that in the Tarot community Tarot Fundamentals gave J.K Rowling a (relative) run for her money.

Over a thousand eager readers backed the – for a publisher quite remarkable – Kickstarter campaign, so that Lo Scarabeo could print their ‘labor of love ten years in the making’. And then came the waiting. Most of the Kickstarter pledgers have gotten their copy now and the book is up for pre-order, ready to be released for retail somewhere in January or February

Tarot Dude | Daily Tarot Readings
Multimedia , Review , Tarot / 18 December 2015

I am not a fan of daily tarot readings for all; they’re too general. However, in the way Tarot Dude is handling them you can enjoy a multitude of decks and a very nice interpretation per card, combination and reading. Useful if you are a beginner, still learning the tarot cards, or if you’d like to add to your personal tarocabuly. I’d advise to browse way back (he has a temporary stop at the moment) and just enjoy his way of reading. The only thing that takes some getting used to is his nasal way of talking. Tarot Dude’s daily draws FacebookPinterestTwitterStumbleUponLinkedinemailTumblr