When this deck came out, I was a bit ‘intimidated’ by it. I’m an analytical person up to a point, but when it comes to tarot I usually work with the art too. At first sight that seemed like an impossibility with the Orbifold Tarot. A deck that ‘just’ has orbs and is focused on numbers and elements. And then there was the mathematical inspiration behind it… However, here I am now: with a review on the Orbifold Tarot by Michael Bridge-Dickinson. Are first impressions correct or not?
If you’re about to travel the road to traditional tarot like Marseille…or Ancient Italy (or have done so years ago) and don’t have the $/€ to spend on books, Tarot Heritage is certainly the way to go. Hell, even if you *are* spending wads of cash, this is a must-see site. Tarot Heritage is the brain-child of Sherryl E. Smith and completely dedicated to Tarot decks between the 15th and early 19th century. In other words: Tarot de Marseille & Ancient Italian decks galore! There’s a history menu, an amazing Cartomancy…
His Kickstarter failed but that didn’t stop Richard Hartnett from continuing his tarot project. He wants brainchild, the Evolutionary Journey Tarot deck, to be published anyway. And indeed, it seems as though this traditional, yet ‘revolutionary’, piece of art is going to see the light of day. You can jump on that moving train and be a part of it. An interview with its conductor.
Changing the numbers of the tarot cards to fit into your concept is a bold move. One that won’t go down well with everyone. But, if you don’t mind a change in your divination system as long as it has merit or logic, you might want to check out the newest Kickstarter campaign now. I am talking about The Evolutionary Journey Tarot, a creation of tarot reader, teacher and author Richard Hartnett who put at least two decades of work and thought into this newest concept. The design is currently being worked on by several renowned fantasy artists (you’ll find all their names in the campaign clip). Missing archetypes The art is classic and reminds me a bit of the Robin Wood Tarot, only brighter. It’s colorful, hand drawn and not too slick. I think the style of the Evolutionary Journey Tarot will speak to many readers, especially those working with the Waite-Smith (on which system it is partly based). The deck is evolutionary in the way that it adds 6 extra cards to tarot that fit well-known archetypes and that have been present in our daily and spiritual life over the last years. According to Hartnett they have been…