Imagine you love a certain card system and basically having only just one or two decks to read with. Now, there are hundreds if not thousands of cartomancers doing that on purpose – but if you were one of them you would not be on a review site ;-). Anyway, if you are a Kipper reader that was your reality for over a hundred years (if you started eh…young). Original Kipper was THE deck and while some designers added new material in recent history, taste and usefulness made sure most Kipper lovers forcibly stayed with their Original Wahrsagekarten. The Card Geek’s Kipper Cards deck might just’ve changed history.
If you are already a Kipper fan it is highly unlikely the release of Toni Puhle’s (a.k.a The Card Geek’s) Kipper book has eluded you. If it did, lucky you stumbled unto this review! For years information on Kipper was sparse, and even if you could find it all materials were in German – not everyone’s favourite (or 1st or even 2nd) language. The long wait for a title in English which would show not only card meanings, but a true way of getting to know the system on your own, has now ended: The Card Geek’s Guide to Kipper is up for grabs.
The Golden Lenormand Oracle is the newest Lenormand deck by Lo Scarabeo. The Italian publisher is known for not only daring to be original, putting multiple languages on tarot decks and LWB’s, but also for their golden layered deluxe decks. This Lenormand is exactly one of those luxurious sets and could best be described as a beautified rendition of LS’s 2013 Lenormand Oracle. (also: a mini
Seek and ye shall find. In my case it was finding a good Lenormand tutorial. This weekend: score! I read tarot a lot and then it can be hard to put on a Lenormand-hat. In Lenormand a card can have a few meanings depending on its position in the spread, but it is the word that counts. Not the art, not the symbology on the card. A Rider is a Rider, it does not matter if in deck 1 it rains or in deck 2 he wears flaming red shoes (tarotists would definitely take that into account). Besides: it is just a new system to learn and with every new thing you need a good foundation. DonnaLeigh’s Tarot Tribe Beyond Worlds Lenormand Tutorial has a ra…
Interesting Kipper tutorial, especially when working with Ciro Marchetti’s new Kipper deck. Fortune Buchholtz worked on the LWB for the deck and in her YouTube channel she explains several ways of reading. In this example the line of 5. Easy-to-follow. Besides spreads she has several videos on history. Sometimes items can be a little long or she doesn’t get to the point immediately, but not too troublesome. Very useful video’s! Not Fortune’s Fool Vlog FacebookPinterestTwitterStumbleUponLinkedinemailTumblr