Sneak peek: Dreams of Gaia Tarot

12 April 2016

Dreams of Gaia Tarot coverBlue Angel Publishing announced some of its upcoming releases. One beauty, based on the pictures, is Dreams of Gaia Tarot. This deck, with artwork by Ravynne Phelan (aka Michele-lee Phelan), is almost ten years in the making and especially interesting for those who like healing and huge tarot cards.

The 81 cards come with black borders, gold-gilded edges and a 308-page guidebook. The philosophy of the Dreams of Gaia Tarot is to seek, to feel, to grow and to heal. The idea behind the tarot deck is that you’ll strengthen the connection to your divine self all the while helping you to heal past experiences that hold you back in the present. By using Dreams of Gaia you will be able to live to your fullest potential.

Different archetypes
The Dreams of Gaia Tarot has both a major and minor arcana, but in a way tarot readers can’t envision until they have the deck in their hands. It is divided into life phases, influences and reasons for being. So don’t expect The Chariot, The Tower or Hanged Man for example. This del comes with new archetypes, symbology and meanings that the artist thinks is more suited to the present. That statement and this system is definitely going to raise some eyebrows, even when it is said to cater to a more personal way of tarot reading in which you’ll learn to recognize opportunities for growth.

dreams_of_gaia_tarot_XIII QoP
dreams_of_gaia_tarot_VI the crone

Based on the sneak peek pictures the deck focuses on elemental dignities and applies the coloring (like red for fire, green for earth) of the elements to the art. Looking at the Roman numerals, the courts and the names of the Majors you can definitely speak of the biggest make-over I have seen up until now. In a way it reminds me of the Osho Zen, only with better art and a huge feminine touch.

dreams_of_gaia_tarot_XI masculine

New era
Having read parts of the Dream of Gaia Tarot companion, it is almost as if this deck combines tarot with oracle and just introduces a new type of deck into the 21st century. Perhaps the term “tarot for a new era” as the websites states has some merit here. I have no idea if it will work or attract a lot of readers, but my curiosity is peeked!

The deck is scheduled to be released in July 2016 (the website says June, but the newsletter came later and says July, so I am going with that).