If you want you can even use the happiest, most colourful tarot deck for shadow work, but a deck specifically made for doing so could work better. The Spirit Within Tarot by writer and tarot reader Steven Bright is a good example of that. This tarot from the Schiffer/Red Feather stall is supposed to present the shadows in your life, past, present
This review almost didn’t exist. Last year my planning was pretty full each month and a stay on Crete led me to skip a few pages in a certain publisher’s catalogue. Luckily I was later on convinced that it was “all about the review itself and not the date it was published”. That means you’ll get to read an article on The Star Tarot deck after all and myself would not have wanted to miss it for the world!
Whether you’re into dark fantasy decks or not, appreciate complete reinterpretations of Major Arcana cards or not…I just had to mention THIS tarot deck by Winslow Dumaine because of its theme and goal.
Dumaine has just launched a Kickstarter campaign for a deck that I have not seen before. Sure, it is not the first ‘dark’ deck, nor is it the first
Opening the Ostara Tarot felt like an early Christmas gift. I’d waited for years until it became available through Schiffer’s Red Feather department and when it was finally released, I happened to be out of the country and had to wait some more. Serious deck-anxiety, I tell ya (yeah, yeah, First World Problems). Let’s see if all that trumped up anticipation was worth it! Reviewing Ostara Tarot in 3, 2, 1… The Ostara Tarot is a collaboration deck, like so many are currently in creation. And as we all know: some are much better than others. The biggest issues with multiple artists are 1. parts of the deck can be off putting while loving other sections; 2. a lack of flow due to completely different art forms; 3. no cohesion with(in) the deck. Those decks end up on the collector’s or sale pile. But…the fact The Ostara Tarot was picked up by a big publisher after having had a small indie release does seem to promise those three points aren’t an issue. I think I’ve rarely ripped off a foil as eager as I did with this one in order to find out. What the deck wants you to know…
In the last few months you could not be a part of any Facebook group without seeing pictures of a coffin shaped new tarot release. That coffin box was the exterior of the limited edition of the Santa Muerte Tarot, a recent release by tarot publisher Lo Scarabeo. The limited edition was already sold out during