Sneak peek: The Tarot Restless (campaign)
Decks , News , Sneak peek , Tarot , Waite-Smith / 19 December 2017

Whether you’re into dark fantasy decks or not, appreciate complete reinterpretations of Major Arcana cards or not…I just had to mention THIS tarot deck by Winslow Dumaine because of its theme and goal.

Dumaine has just launched a Kickstarter campaign for a deck that I have not seen before. Sure, it is not the first ‘dark’ deck, nor is it the first

The Great Lines Tarot Sneak peek & Interview
Decks , Interview , News , Sneak peek , Tarot de Marseille / 4 December 2017

We all know palmistry, and we know tarot. But reading depictions of line-drawn hands on our tarot decks…that’s…unheard of!. Until now, because that’s exactly the ‘in a nutshell’ description of Jehanne Fortin’s The Great Lines Tarot. Now on Kickstarter until the 20th of December, so you can still back if it you like original. A little sneak & interview with

Sneak Peek: The liberating Gypsy Tarot
Decks , Interview , Mythology , News , Sneak peek , Tarot , Waite-Smith / 6 August 2017

It’s always fun when deck designers find their way to my mailbox. I don’t have time to cruise KS, IG, DeviantArt, Pinterest and FB for new tarots or Lenormands (etc) on a regular basis and this way  I definitely don’t miss out on tarot decks that have…well, quite the premise! Dear tarot peeps, meet the sparkly, magic Gypsy Tarot…promising to *liberate* you! The Gypsy tarot is the creation of Bev & Dustin (a.k.a Starman), a tarot-team called Eye Psychics. They’re currently working on making a full deck and asked me to check and review their first cards. Gladly. So in a way I am doing a partial review here already, based on concept and art. The actual review will come around Autumn 2018, when the deck is expected to be released (and a deck with my name on it is in the works!). Fantasy & no theme Because I am on my way to Greece in a few hours I had to forego on the promised demo deck and worked with the digital version of the cards (stock is going to be similar to the Paulina Tarot, if that tells you something). The style is very ‘Disney-pretty’ and obviously fantasy. I…

Sneak Peek: Ana Tourian Tarot decks plug
Decks , News , Sneak peek , Tarot / 24 April 2017

Because technique and I are still not seeing eye to eye (after a website hack, a website crash and now 5 corrupted files of soon to be published reviews) I went searching for something to calm my bleeding tarot heart… And found Ana Tourian.
I was already taken with her recently released (and reviewed by yours truly) Oracle of Echoes, but after a conversation in a Facebook Tarot Group I discovered more work. Two gorgeous tarot decks, in the